Sunday, December 16, 2012

Twelve Days of Grumpy Cat: Day Three

I can't get over how much I love this photo. Sometimes I just stare at it for a minute, and it makes me feel better. I love Nick...and Grumpy Cat, but that's a given.

Saturday, December 15, 2012

Mikal's Daily Thoughts: Day Thirty-eight

This is my last Daily Thought for a while because I'm on Christmas break. YAY.

Twelve Days of Grumpy Cat: Day One/Two

I really want to do twelve days of Grumpy Cat because I am so obsessed with her it's not even funny. Did you know she was girl?? Me neither until just today. They should breed her with a similar looking cat so I can buy the kittens. I've never wanted anything so badly. There is nothing wrong with me. If you don't want Tard then there is something seriously wrong with you. She's fucking awesome. Anyway, technically I should have started yesterday, so Ima give you two today.

Mikal's Daily Thoughts: Day Thirty-seven

Monday, December 10, 2012

Mikal's Daily Thoughts: Day Thirty-five

Today as I was walking out of my room, I opened the door to the surprise of a girl standing right outside reading my "Thoughts of the Day." She smiled at me, and said, "I'm sorry. I was just reading your door." To this I responded with a creepy, awkward smile as my mouth was full from just having shoved half a Pop Tart in it. She continued, "They're so funny. I read them every day. I love them." At this I just smiling awkwardly as I was walking down the hallway. It occurred to me that I was probably being rude by not saying anything, not to mention that my closed-mouth smile was probably creeping her out immensely, so I said a mangled, "Thanks" with my mouth full while still holding my creepy smile. To that girl who I have never seen before, I feel you deserve an explanation for my strange behavior. My mouth was just really full. Also thank you for reading this and I hope your impression of me will not turn you off to reading my posts.

Mikal's Daily Thoughts: Day Thirty-four

I'm really happy that someone watches Arrested Development because it is the best show ever. I also kind of wish that people left me feedback more often. It's nice to know that someone actually reads this...

Mikal's Daily Thoughts: Day Thirty-three

Mikal's Daily Thoughts: Day Thirty-two

Mikal's Daily Thoughts: Day Thirty-one

You guys--you can't even begin to understand how obsessed I am with Grumpy Cat...

Mikal's Daily Thoughts: Day Thirty

Mikal's Daily Thoughts: Day Twenty-nine

Mikal's Daily Thoughts: Day Twenty-eight

Mikal's Daily Thoughts: Day Twenty-seven

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Mikal's Daily Thoughts: Day Twenty-two

Mikal's Daily Thoughts: Day Twenty-one

This is saved on my computer as "the best thing I've ever made..."

Mikal's Daily Thoughts: Day Twenty

Guys...I have those sunglasses...

Mikal's Daily Thoughts: Day Nineteen

Mikal's Daily Thoughts: Day Eighteen

Hi everyone! Sorry I haven't posted for a while. I had a few days off from the daily thoughts after my poster was defiled with phallic college ugh. On the plus side, I found out that people actually read these on my door since multiple people told me they missed them. YAY. Anyway, here is the one that was defiled...
Aren't we all?

This one was one of my favorites, too...

Friday, November 2, 2012

Mikal's Daily Thoughts: Day Eleven

Mikal's Daily Thoughts: Day Ten



The arrow was pointing to a bag of candy hanging on our door knob. There was a door-decorating contest in my dorm. Basically everyone else's blew, yet we didn't even place. Some stupid door that had a picture of a fucking tree won. It was totally a popularity contest, and seeing as no one knows I live here...

Mikal's Daily Thoughts: Day Nine

Monday, October 29, 2012

Mikal's Daily Thoughts: Day Eight

Due to Hurricane Sandy all classes were cancelled today and tomorrow morning! So I didn't have to write my theatre paper last night! Time to break out the Josh Hutcherson pictures...

GUYS--He's drinking butterbeer...

Mikal's Daily Thoughts: Day Seven

Friday, October 26, 2012

Mikal's Daily Thoughts: Day Five

"I don't even think I'm a real person."
You really aren't, Honey Boo Boo...

The Dunky

This morning my philosophy professor used the most confusing example to explain compatibalism and reason vs. desire, or something like that. I'm actually not sure...
Anyway, he starts off by saying, "Imagine you have a pet Dunky." Okay, that's kind of weird, but I'll go with it, I thought.
"And there are two carrots dangling from the ceiling at equal distances from The Dunky." At this point I'm like, THE Dunky? What?? So I sort of snorted and looked around, but everyone else is just sitting there straight-faced with rapt attention. Really? No one else thinks this is kind of weird? I thought.
"Which carrot does The Dunky go for?" After a long pause in which he decided no one was going to respond he said, "The Dunky would not go for either. It would starve and die. There are conflicting desires." Then he kept talking about some other shit. Five whole minutes passed, and I realized he was saying DONKEY. Like a donkey. A pet donkey. I feel ridiculous. I honestly thought he was talking about a pet rabbit whose name was The Dunky...

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

What happened to Alicia Silverstone's face?

Whatever happened to Alicia Silverstone? Not just her career, but her face. She was so cute in Clueless. Remember when she was a virgin who couldn't drive?

Now she's in Suburgatory and she looks like this...

It's weird. Maybe her teeth got messed up when she regurgitated that food to her baby, and that's why she now has such an awkward smile.